A Guide to Going to Court

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Authored By: California Courts


This resource from the Greater Bakersfield Legal Aid has a lot of great information on what to do on your trial day.



What you should do to prepare for your upcoming court date depends on what type of case you have. In this section we give you general guidelines for how to best prepare yourself for court. It is possible that you will see something that does not apply to your case. For example, if you have a divorce case, you can ignore the suggestions about preparing to pick a jury. If you have a small claims case, you do not have to worry about the rules of evidence. So keep in mind that these are general suggestions and may not apply to every case.


Before Your Court Date

  • Read your court papers. Understand what each form asks and how the other side has responded.
  • Make a list of your reasons for each request. Write down the answers the other side gives to each request.
  • Observe hearings ahead of time, if you can, in front of the same judge or for the same type of case as yours. Watch lawyers and how they act in the courtroom, how they speak to the judge, how they ask questions, etc.
  • Research any remaining legal issues in your case.
  • Review all discovery (if there has been any).
  • If you are going to have a jury trial, make sure you understand the rules for selecting a jury. Prepare the questions you want to ask prospective jurors.
  • For a formal trial, outline your opening statement.
  • Prepare all your evidence.


Prepare Your Evidence

One of the most important steps you can take when preparing to go to court is preparing your “evidence.” Evidence is information a party can present in court to prove their case.

Evidence can be in 2 main forms:

1. Witness testimony (people):
  • The party involved in the lawsuit;
  • Other people who have direct and relevant information about the case;
  • People who keep relevant records; or
  • Experts qualified to given an opinion about some aspect of the case.

Usually, any witnesses must be present in court for the hearing or trial.

2. Exhibits (things):

  • Documents or objects used to prove your case (or disprove the other side’s);
  • Photographs; or
  • Records: police records, medical records, bills, appraisals, school records, financial statements, etc.


To prepare your evidence:


  • Review all your evidence and sort it and organize it so that, even when you get nervous and rushed, you can find what you are looking for.
  • Make sure your witnesses are ready, not just for questions you will ask them but questions the other side may ask.
  • Outline questions to ask your witnesses. Make sure you know what your witnesses will say. And, in your outline, make notes about any documents or other evidence you need to ask your witnesses about.
  • Outline questions to ask the other side’s witnesses. Try to predict what they will say and be prepared with follow-up questions or documents to ask them about.
  • Research and consider likely evidence issues that may come up.


Researching the rules of evidence
There are rules of evidence that everyone must follow. These rules exist to make sure that the judge gets reliable, relevant, and accurate evidence to consider when making decisions about your case.

Some of the most important rules are:


  • Generally, people can only talk about what they know first-hand – what they themselves saw, heard, felt, smelled, or tasted. (There are some exceptions to this rule.)
  • The other side has the right to cross-examine anyone whose words (whether written or spoken) are being considered.
  • All testimony must be relevant information.


There are many laws that set rules for what evidence can be used in court. Together, these laws are called the California Evidence CodeExternal link icon. You will have to follow these rules even if you are self-represented. You will not get any special treatment just because you are not a lawyer. And the judge and the court staff cannot help you prepare or present your case.

Click to see a handout which explains getting your evidence for courtPDF file type icon.

In addition to reading the Evidence Code, you can also go to your public law libraryExternal link icon and ask the librarian for books that talk about and explain the rules of evidence.

Last Review and Update: Dec 23, 2024
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