FAQs on Price Gouging During Disasters or Emergencies


Price gouging refers to sellers trying to take unfair advantage of consumers during an emergency or disaster by greatly increasing prices for essential consumer goods and services. Price gouging applies for 30 or more days after declaration of emergency. 


Note that these statutes apply to necessities including rental housing, hotel, food and drink, emergency supplies, and more. 


What do I do if I believe I've been a victim of price gouging?

If you believe that you might have a claim for price gouging, you might consider contacting an attorney to explore your options. For referral to a lawyer, you may contact the State Bar at (866) 442-2529 (toll-free in California) or (415) 538-2250 (from outside California), or through its website at: http://www.calbar.ca.gov.


If you cannot afford to pay an attorney, you may consider contacting your local legal aid office. Connect with a legal aid office using the search tool above. 


While the Attorney General's office can't represent you, you can report price gouging to them by calling (800) 952-5225 or using their online complaint form or by mail

Last Review and Update: Jan 15, 2025
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