Ask for an emergency (ex parte) order in your case
When do I ask for an emergency order?
There must be immediate danger of:
- Irreparable harm to someone in the case (usually you or your child)
- Loss or damage to property
This can be when there was child abuse, a disaster or emergency that requires you to change your orders immediately, or anything that will soon cause harm if it is not addressed.
If one parent is unable to care for the child due to health issues or substance abuse, that may be grounds for emergency custody.
If there is criminal activity in the home that is a danger to the child, that may be grounds for emergency custody.
If there is a risk of abduction (one parent taking the child without the other's consent) that may be grounds for emergency custody.
If you need to ask for emergency custody, seek assistance from an attorney using the search tools above. If you are not able to find an attorney to assist you, you may be able to get help asking for emergency orders in your case by going to your local self help center or family law facilitator (under court programs using the search tool above.)