California Rural Legal Assistance, Inc.- Delano
General Contact Information
How to Get Help
Hours |
Information | Please contact the office about topics and times as they change often. It is best to call before coming in. |
Who We Are
CRLA provides legal assistance to low income persons in education, employment & labor, rural health, and housing/landlord-tenant issues including eviction and foreclosure defense. Our mission is to fight for justice and individual rights alongside the most exploited communities of our society. We provide a variety of community education and outreach programs including leadership development. CRLA also protects Ingenious Mexican communities, LGBT communities, and farm worker communities.
Complete the CONTACT US form for non-urgent matters. Call the office if you have a time sensitive concern such as an eviction or restraining order issue.
CRLA provides full legal representation and legal workshops. Each case is reviewed individually. CRLA does employment, housing, education, and health law. CRLA does not do criminal or family law.
Due to limited staff, it is not possible to provide full representation to each person who needs a free lawyer. However, we always try to provide some assistance, from referrals to other agencies to advice on how to solve legal problems without a lawyer.
Who We Serve
Area(s) |
Language(s) Spoken |
Cirumstances and languages in which interpreters are provided | Other languages are available but please contact the office to see which staff and languages are available. A phone service is also available. |
Is this organization accessible by wheelchair? | Yes |
Does this organization provide access for the hearing impaired? | No |
Eligibility Restrictions | Please contact the office for eligibility requirements. |
Type of Help
This group provides the following types of services based on your legal needs and its resources: |