Labor Unions: Duty of Fair Representation
A union owes a duty of fair representation to all of the workers it represents. This duty requires that the union act fairly, impartially, and without ill will or discrimination when pursuing a worker"s grievance or when negotiating a new contract with the employer.
Undocumented Workers' Employment Rights
With a few exceptions, undocumented workers enjoy all of the legal rights and remedies provided by both Federal and California law.
My Rights if My Employer Declares Bankruptcy
If your employer has filed for bankruptcy, it means that the business is no longer able to pay off its debts to its creditors, and the company has asked the court to help it either plan a repayment schedule (“Chapter 11” bankruptcy) or sell off all its property and use the money to pay off the creditors (“Chapter 7” bankruptcy).
California Paid Sick Leave Update
There are new requirements for employees to have paid sick leave.
Exemptions From Overtime Pay
The categories and situations when overtime doesn't apply.
Alternative Dispute Resolution
ADR Types and Benefits. The Judicial Council of California has created a video series with descriptions of different kinds of dispute resolution and where each might be helpful.
California Paid Sick Leave Update
There are new requirements for employees to have paid sick leave.
Employment & Wages Under Federal Law During Natural Disasters & Recovery
Fact sheet regarding worker protections during natural disasters and recovery.
Exemptions From Overtime Pay
The categories and situations when overtime doesn't apply.
My Rights if My Employer Declares Bankruptcy
If your employer has filed for bankruptcy, it means that the business is no longer able to pay off its debts to its creditors, and the company has asked the court to help it either plan a repayment schedule (“Chapter 11” bankruptcy) or sell off all its property and use the money to pay off the creditors (“Chapter 7” bankruptcy).
Time, Manner, and Payment of Wages
This booklet focuses on the California Labor Code sections.
Undocumented Workers' Employment Rights
With a few exceptions, undocumented workers enjoy all of the legal rights and remedies provided by both Federal and California law.
Wrongful Termination
The general rule in California is that employees are considered to employed "at will," meaning that they may be fired at any time by their employers, for any reason or for no reason at all. However, there are important exceptions to the "at will" rule.
How Can the Labor Commissioner's Office Help You Recover Your Unpaid Wages?
California Labor Commissioner's office (also known as DLSE) can help recover unpaid wages.
Undocumented Workers' Employment Rights
With a few exceptions, undocumented workers enjoy all of the legal rights and remedies provided by both Federal and California law.
Labor Enforcement Task Force (LETF)
What are your rights as a worker? What Is the Underground Economy? Report a bad employer.
Workers Owed Wages
Search to see if your old employer lost a case against the government and now owes you money.
Alternative Dispute Resolution
ADR Types and Benefits. The Judicial Council of California has created a video series with descriptions of different kinds of dispute resolution and where each might be helpful.
California Minimum Wage
The minimum wage in California, effective January 1, 2024, is $16.00/hour for all employers. Fast Food Restaurant employers, effective April 1, 2024, and Healthcare Facility employers, effective June 1, 2024, will have a higher minimum wage. Some cities have higher minimum wages.
California Paid Sick Leave Update
There are new requirements for employees to have paid sick leave.
Employment & Wages Under Federal Law During Natural Disasters & Recovery
Fact sheet regarding worker protections during natural disasters and recovery.
Exemptions From Overtime Pay
The categories and situations when overtime doesn't apply.
Facts About Compensation Discrimination
Equality in pay and compensation is protected under the law.
How Can the Labor Commissioner's Office Help You Recover Your Unpaid Wages?
California Labor Commissioner's office (also known as DLSE) can help recover unpaid wages.
Labor Enforcement Task Force (LETF)
What are your rights as a worker? What Is the Underground Economy? Report a bad employer.
Labor Unions: Duty of Fair Representation
A union owes a duty of fair representation to all of the workers it represents. This duty requires that the union act fairly, impartially, and without ill will or discrimination when pursuing a worker"s grievance or when negotiating a new contract with the employer.
My Rights if My Employer Declares Bankruptcy
If your employer has filed for bankruptcy, it means that the business is no longer able to pay off its debts to its creditors, and the company has asked the court to help it either plan a repayment schedule (“Chapter 11” bankruptcy) or sell off all its property and use the money to pay off the creditors (“Chapter 7” bankruptcy).
Time, Manner, and Payment of Wages
This booklet focuses on the California Labor Code sections.
Undocumented Workers' Employment Rights
With a few exceptions, undocumented workers enjoy all of the legal rights and remedies provided by both Federal and California law.
Workers Owed Wages
Search to see if your old employer lost a case against the government and now owes you money.
Wrongful Termination
The general rule in California is that employees are considered to employed "at will," meaning that they may be fired at any time by their employers, for any reason or for no reason at all. However, there are important exceptions to the "at will" rule.