Information for Fee Waiver

Ask for a Fee Waiver if you can't afford filing fees

California Pension Reform

California Public Employees" Pension Reform Act (PEPRA) took effect in 213.

California's Public Retirement and Pension Systems

Read about some of the laws and constitutional protections.

Did Your Pension Plan Fail?

Find information about your plan using the search box below or use the list at right to access our largest plans.

IRAs, Pensions & Annuities Under Medi-Cal

For the purposes of Medi-Cal eligibility an "annuity" is defined as a "contract to make periodic payments of a fixed or variable sum paid to an annuitant which are payable unconditionally."

Multiemployer Pension Reform Act of 2014

Allows trustees of certain multiemployer plans to cut retirees" pensions

"NAFI" Plans: Federal Retirement Programs Not Funded by the Government

NAFI Retirement Plans are retirement plans sponsored by government entities known as Non-Appropriated Fund Instrumentalities (NAFIs).

Pension and 401(k) / 403(b) Plans Overview

401(k) plans are a type of “defined contribution” plan established by employers or unions for employees to contribute voluntarily to their own individual retirement accounts. A 403(b) plan is similar to a 401(k) plan, but is provided to employees of non-profit organizations.

Pension Freezes

When a company freezes its pension plan, some or all of the employees covered by the plan, stop earning some or all the benefits from the point of the freeze moving forward.

Pension Rights After Divorce

Except in the case of Social Security and Tier I Railroad Retirement benefits, a court order is necessary for someone who has been divorced to get a share of a pension.

What Happens When a Pension Is Transferred to an Insurance Company?

If you are already getting your pension and your former employer decides to convert it to an annuity paid by an insurance company, your monthly benefit should stay the same. However, your benefits will no longer be protected by the federal pension insurance program, the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation.

What is Recoupment?

Retirees have been asked to pay money back to their pension plan. Most often this happens because the plan made a mistake in calculating the amount of the pension, and the retiree had no way of knowing that he or she was receiving the wrong amount. The process of taking back overpayments is called "recoupment."

Find More Resources and Referrals at

Ready to find resources to help you find answers to questions you have about your retirement plan?

Labor Enforcement Task Force (LETF)

What are your rights as a worker? What Is the Underground Economy? Report a bad employer.

Top 10 Safety Tips for Seniors

Seniors: Protect yourself from fraud and financial abuse! Be vigilant, be observant. Physical or financial abuse will continue so long as no one knows about it. Listed below are our Top 10 Safety Tips to always keep in mind.

California Pension Reform

California Public Employees" Pension Reform Act (PEPRA) took effect in 213.

California's Public Retirement and Pension Systems

Read about some of the laws and constitutional protections.

Did Your Pension Plan Fail?

Find information about your plan using the search box below or use the list at right to access our largest plans.

Find More Resources and Referrals at

Ready to find resources to help you find answers to questions you have about your retirement plan?

Information for Fee Waiver

Ask for a Fee Waiver if you can't afford filing fees

IRAs, Pensions & Annuities Under Medi-Cal

For the purposes of Medi-Cal eligibility an "annuity" is defined as a "contract to make periodic payments of a fixed or variable sum paid to an annuitant which are payable unconditionally."

Labor Enforcement Task Force (LETF)

What are your rights as a worker? What Is the Underground Economy? Report a bad employer.

Multiemployer Pension Reform Act of 2014

Allows trustees of certain multiemployer plans to cut retirees" pensions

"NAFI" Plans: Federal Retirement Programs Not Funded by the Government

NAFI Retirement Plans are retirement plans sponsored by government entities known as Non-Appropriated Fund Instrumentalities (NAFIs).

Pension and 401(k) / 403(b) Plans Overview

401(k) plans are a type of “defined contribution” plan established by employers or unions for employees to contribute voluntarily to their own individual retirement accounts. A 403(b) plan is similar to a 401(k) plan, but is provided to employees of non-profit organizations.

Pension Freezes

When a company freezes its pension plan, some or all of the employees covered by the plan, stop earning some or all the benefits from the point of the freeze moving forward.

Pension Rights After Divorce

Except in the case of Social Security and Tier I Railroad Retirement benefits, a court order is necessary for someone who has been divorced to get a share of a pension.

Top 10 Safety Tips for Seniors

Seniors: Protect yourself from fraud and financial abuse! Be vigilant, be observant. Physical or financial abuse will continue so long as no one knows about it. Listed below are our Top 10 Safety Tips to always keep in mind.

What Happens When a Pension Is Transferred to an Insurance Company?

If you are already getting your pension and your former employer decides to convert it to an annuity paid by an insurance company, your monthly benefit should stay the same. However, your benefits will no longer be protected by the federal pension insurance program, the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation.

What is Recoupment?

Retirees have been asked to pay money back to their pension plan. Most often this happens because the plan made a mistake in calculating the amount of the pension, and the retiree had no way of knowing that he or she was receiving the wrong amount. The process of taking back overpayments is called "recoupment."

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