All Public Benefits Resources

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Marin County DMV

3501 Civic Center Drive Room 127 San Rafael, CA 94903


This group does not provide legal representation in court.

Alternative Dispute Resolution

ADR Types and Benefits. The Judicial Council of California has created a video series with descriptions of different kinds of dispute resolution and where each might be helpful.

Assault and Battery in the Workplace

When there are fights between employees and supervisors or between two employees.

12 Facts about Employment Law

In most circumstances, employers can terminate employees “at will,” meaning at any time for any reason. And they are not even required by law to give the reason for a discharge. Read more from the links below.

Appeal Your Social Security Disability Claim

Request online a review of their decision.

After you Filed for Unemployment Insurance

How can claimants be better prepared to provide information to Department Interviewers?

Answers about Workers' Compensation

Your employer's responsibilities, and different types of benefits

An Immigration Filing Fee Waiver

Recognizing that some applicants cannot pay the filing fees, USCIS established a fee waiver process for certain forms and benefit types.

After you Filed for Unemployment Insurance

How can claimants be better prepared to provide information to Department Interviewers?

Alternative Dispute Resolution

ADR Types and Benefits. The Judicial Council of California has created a video series with descriptions of different kinds of dispute resolution and where each might be helpful.

An Immigration Filing Fee Waiver

Recognizing that some applicants cannot pay the filing fees, USCIS established a fee waiver process for certain forms and benefit types.

Answers about Workers' Compensation

Your employer's responsibilities, and different types of benefits

Appeal Your Social Security Disability Claim

Request online a review of their decision.

A Quick Search for VA Forms

Do a quick search to find the forms that you need here.

Assault and Battery in the Workplace

When there are fights between employees and supervisors or between two employees.

12 Facts about Employment Law

In most circumstances, employers can terminate employees “at will,” meaning at any time for any reason. And they are not even required by law to give the reason for a discharge. Read more from the links below.

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