Financial Tips for Survivors of Domestic Violence
Six tips for domestic violence victims and survivors that are seeking to secure their financial future.
National Human Trafficking Hotline
If you or someone you know is a victim of human trafficking, you can contact this hotline for support.
A Complete Guide To Legal Rights And Resources For Battered Immigrants
Immigration, family, public benefits, criminal laws, access a broad range of victim services without regard to immigration status.
Avoiding Fraud by Immigration Consultants
If you're looking for help with an immigration issue and want to hire an immigration consultant rather than an attorney, it's important to understand what an immigration consultant can and cannot do for you. This resource includes a few tips to avoid fraud.
Can a Domestic Violence Restraining Order Help Me?
The court can help protect people who have been abused or threatened with abuse by someone you dated, lived with, or are related to.
Domestic Violence Information from the Courts
This resource will help you understand how the California Court defines domestic violence, restraining orders, where to get help and find other resources.
Financial Tips for Survivors of Domestic Violence
Six tips for domestic violence victims and survivors that are seeking to secure their financial future.
Find an Immigration Lawyer
Protect yourself and your family. Get immigration advice from a licensed professional.
Immigration Benefits for Battered or Abused Victims
As a battered spouse, child or parent, you may file an immigrant visa petition under the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA), as amended by the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA).
Legal Resources for Immigrants
If you are seeking legal assistance for citizenship or immigration status, this pamphlet can serve as a starting point to find the legal services you need.
Permanent Residence for Victims of Crimes
This page includes information about obtaining lawful status if you are the victim of certain crimes (including domestic abuse) and can obtain a certification that you are, have been or will be helpful in the investigation or prosecution of the crime.
Remove Conditions on Permanent Residence Based on Marriage
You are given conditional resident status on the day you are lawfully admitted to the United States on an immigrant visa or adjustment of your status to permanent residence.
Seeking Protection from Domestic Violence
The court can help to prevent acts of violence with restraining orders, forms, resources and FAQ.
Appeals and Motions: Questions and Answers
You may file an appeal on some unfavorable decisions to the USCIS Administrative Appeals Office (AAO) or the Board of Immigration Appeals (BIA).
Can a Domestic Violence Restraining Order Help Me?
The court can help protect people who have been abused or threatened with abuse by someone you dated, lived with, or are related to.
New Numbers for Domestic Violence Victims
Sometimes, the best way to evade an abuser and reduce the risk of further violence may be to relocate and establish a new identity. Following these changes, getting a new Social Security number may also be helpful.
An Immigration Filing Fee Waiver
Recognizing that some applicants cannot pay the filing fees, USCIS established a fee waiver process for certain forms and benefit types.
Ask a Question!
The purpose of this Email Hotline is for WomensLaw to provide basic legal information, referrals, and emotional support.
Domestic Violence Help Near You
This map is a useful tool for finding domestic violence organizations in your community who are Members of the Partnership.
Find Legal Assistance with Your Immigration Case Near You
This interactive map and search engine that will help you find legal assistance near you.
Find USCIS Field Offices Near You
Field Offices handle scheduled interviews on non-asylum related applications.
National Domestic Violence Hotline and Chat
Call (800) 799 - 7233 for Trained advocates are available to talk confidentially with anyone experiencing domestic violence, seeking resources or information, or questioning unhealthy aspects of their relationship. TTY: (800) 787 - 3224 and Videophone (855) 812 - 11
New Numbers for Domestic Violence Victims
Sometimes, the best way to evade an abuser and reduce the risk of further violence may be to relocate and establish a new identity. Following these changes, getting a new Social Security number may also be helpful.
A Complete Guide To Legal Rights And Resources For Battered Immigrants
Immigration, family, public benefits, criminal laws, access a broad range of victim services without regard to immigration status.
An Immigration Filing Fee Waiver
Recognizing that some applicants cannot pay the filing fees, USCIS established a fee waiver process for certain forms and benefit types.
Appeals and Motions: Questions and Answers
You may file an appeal on some unfavorable decisions to the USCIS Administrative Appeals Office (AAO) or the Board of Immigration Appeals (BIA).
Ask a Question!
The purpose of this Email Hotline is for WomensLaw to provide basic legal information, referrals, and emotional support.
Avoiding Fraud by Immigration Consultants
If you're looking for help with an immigration issue and want to hire an immigration consultant rather than an attorney, it's important to understand what an immigration consultant can and cannot do for you. This resource includes a few tips to avoid fraud.
Can a Domestic Violence Restraining Order Help Me?
The court can help protect people who have been abused or threatened with abuse by someone you dated, lived with, or are related to.
Check Your Case Status Service Online
Use your application receipt number to check your case status online.
Domestic Violence Help Near You
This map is a useful tool for finding domestic violence organizations in your community who are Members of the Partnership.
Domestic Violence Information from the Courts
This resource will help you understand how the California Court defines domestic violence, restraining orders, where to get help and find other resources.
Find Legal Assistance with Your Immigration Case Near You
This interactive map and search engine that will help you find legal assistance near you.
Find USCIS Field Offices Near You
Field Offices handle scheduled interviews on non-asylum related applications.
Financial Tips for Survivors of Domestic Violence
Six tips for domestic violence victims and survivors that are seeking to secure their financial future.
Find an Immigration Lawyer
Protect yourself and your family. Get immigration advice from a licensed professional.
Find What an Immigration Related Word Means Here
You can use this dictionary to quickly look up a definition or explanation for a topic.
Immigration Benefits for Battered or Abused Victims
As a battered spouse, child or parent, you may file an immigrant visa petition under the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA), as amended by the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA). is a searchable online directory of over 1,000 free or low-cost nonprofit immigration legal services providers in all 50 states. Users can search by state, zip code, or detention facility. Users can also refine their search by types and areas of legal assistance provided, populations served, languages spoken, other areas of legal assistance, and non-legal services provided.
Legal Resources for Immigrants
If you are seeking legal assistance for citizenship or immigration status, this pamphlet can serve as a starting point to find the legal services you need.
National Domestic Violence Hotline and Chat
Call (800) 799 - 7233 for Trained advocates are available to talk confidentially with anyone experiencing domestic violence, seeking resources or information, or questioning unhealthy aspects of their relationship. TTY: (800) 787 - 3224 and Videophone (855) 812 - 11
New Numbers for Domestic Violence Victims
Sometimes, the best way to evade an abuser and reduce the risk of further violence may be to relocate and establish a new identity. Following these changes, getting a new Social Security number may also be helpful.
Permanent Residence for Victims of Crimes
This page includes information about obtaining lawful status if you are the victim of certain crimes (including domestic abuse) and can obtain a certification that you are, have been or will be helpful in the investigation or prosecution of the crime.
Remove Conditions on Permanent Residence Based on Marriage
You are given conditional resident status on the day you are lawfully admitted to the United States on an immigrant visa or adjustment of your status to permanent residence.
Seeking Protection from Domestic Violence
The court can help to prevent acts of violence with restraining orders, forms, resources and FAQ.
Tips for Filing Forms with USCIS
Form fees, eligibility requirements, fee waiver eligibility, required documents, and mailing addresses vary depending on the form you are filing and why you are filing.