Avoiding Fraud by Immigration Consultants
If you're looking for help with an immigration issue and want to hire an immigration consultant rather than an attorney, it's important to understand what an immigration consultant can and cannot do for you. This resource includes a few tips to avoid fraud.
Find an Immigration Lawyer
Protect yourself and your family. Get immigration advice from a licensed professional.
Legal Resources for Immigrants
If you are seeking legal assistance for citizenship or immigration status, this pamphlet can serve as a starting point to find the legal services you need.
Military OneSource
Get to know your benefits and prepare for the big stuff " deployments, reintegration, moves, parenthood, retirement and more.
Federal Court Scams - Watch Out!
This resource describes common scams to watch out for. Malicious phone calls and emails targeting people and others who interact with the federal courts, instructing them to take action, may lead to people being scammed out of money or personal information.
Find USCIS Field Offices Near You
Field Offices handle scheduled interviews on non-asylum related applications.
Military OneSource
Get to know your benefits and prepare for the big stuff " deployments, reintegration, moves, parenthood, retirement and more.
Avoiding Fraud by Immigration Consultants
If you're looking for help with an immigration issue and want to hire an immigration consultant rather than an attorney, it's important to understand what an immigration consultant can and cannot do for you. This resource includes a few tips to avoid fraud.
Citizenship for Military Personnel & Family Members
Spouses of members of the U.S. armed forces (service members) may be eligible for expedited or overseas naturalization. Children of service members may also be eligible for overseas naturalization.
Federal Court Scams - Watch Out!
This resource describes common scams to watch out for. Malicious phone calls and emails targeting people and others who interact with the federal courts, instructing them to take action, may lead to people being scammed out of money or personal information.
Find USCIS Field Offices Near You
Field Offices handle scheduled interviews on non-asylum related applications.
Find an Immigration Lawyer
Protect yourself and your family. Get immigration advice from a licensed professional.
Find What an Immigration Related Word Means Here
You can use this dictionary to quickly look up a definition or explanation for a topic.
ImmigrationLawHelp.org is a searchable online directory of over 1,000 free or low-cost nonprofit immigration legal services providers in all 50 states. Users can search ImmigrationLawHelp.org by state, zip code, or detention facility. Users can also refine their search by types and areas of legal assistance provided, populations served, languages spoken, other areas of legal assistance, and non-legal services provided.
Legal Resources for Immigrants
If you are seeking legal assistance for citizenship or immigration status, this pamphlet can serve as a starting point to find the legal services you need.
Military OneSource
Get to know your benefits and prepare for the big stuff " deployments, reintegration, moves, parenthood, retirement and more.