Power of Attorney, Conservatorship, Advanced Health Directives

Other Probate Problems

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Incapacity: Plan For It Now

Your options for giving someone decision-making powers.

Legal Issues for LGBT Caregivers

Without written protections in place, your "chosen family" will not be legally recognized, and could very easily be questioned or contested by a biological family member.

Legal Planning for Incapacity - Making Decisions When You Can't Speak For Yourself

What are the legal documents everyone should have to fulfill your wishes while you're alive and after you die?

Pathways to Effective Communication For Healthcare Providers and Caregivers

Questions to ask at a medical appointment. Legal issues affecting caregivers.

Reflections on End of Life Care (Video)

This series explores end of life wishes, often incompletely expressed and honored.

Resource for End-of-Life Decisions

Sample forms for Advance Health Care Directive, Physician Orders for Life-Sustaining Treatment, and Do-Not-Resuscitate orders.

What are Advance Directives?

A living will documents your wishes concerning medical treatments at the end of life.

Conservatorship Overview

Conservatorship types and the procedures and forms you need.

Guardianships and Conservatorships

What is guardianship? What is conservatorship?

Handbook for Conservators

This handbook has been written to help you with your role as conservator of a person, conservator of an estate, or limited conservator of a person or estate.

Incapacity: Plan For It Now

Your options for giving someone decision-making powers.

Legal Issues for LGBT Caregivers

Without written protections in place, your "chosen family" will not be legally recognized, and could very easily be questioned or contested by a biological family member.

Legal Planning for Incapacity - Making Decisions When You Can't Speak For Yourself

What are the legal documents everyone should have to fulfill your wishes while you're alive and after you die?

Legal Issues for LGBT Caregivers

Without written protections in place, your "chosen family" will not be legally recognized, and could very easily be questioned or contested by a biological family member.

Who Will Manage My Finances?

Info about durable power of attorney for financial matters.

Alternative Dispute Resolution

ADR Types and Benefits. The Judicial Council of California has created a video series with descriptions of different kinds of dispute resolution and where each might be helpful.

Information for Fee Waiver

Ask for a Fee Waiver if you can't afford filing fees

What is a Limited Conservatorship - California Courts

This resource downloads as a text document. You may need a text reader app to access this document on a mobile phone.

Top 10 Safety Tips for Seniors

Seniors: Protect yourself from fraud and financial abuse! Be vigilant, be observant. Physical or financial abuse will continue so long as no one knows about it. Listed below are our Top 10 Safety Tips to always keep in mind.

Alternative Dispute Resolution

ADR Types and Benefits. The Judicial Council of California has created a video series with descriptions of different kinds of dispute resolution and where each might be helpful.

Conservatorship Overview

Conservatorship types and the procedures and forms you need.

Guardianships and Conservatorships

What is guardianship? What is conservatorship?

Handbook for Conservators

This handbook has been written to help you with your role as conservator of a person, conservator of an estate, or limited conservator of a person or estate.

Incapacity: Plan For It Now

Your options for giving someone decision-making powers.

Information for Fee Waiver

Ask for a Fee Waiver if you can't afford filing fees

Legal Issues for LGBT Caregivers

Without written protections in place, your "chosen family" will not be legally recognized, and could very easily be questioned or contested by a biological family member.

Legal Planning for Incapacity - Making Decisions When You Can't Speak For Yourself

What are the legal documents everyone should have to fulfill your wishes while you're alive and after you die?

Pathways to Effective Communication For Healthcare Providers and Caregivers

Questions to ask at a medical appointment. Legal issues affecting caregivers.

Reflections on End of Life Care (Video)

This series explores end of life wishes, often incompletely expressed and honored.

Resource for End-of-Life Decisions

Sample forms for Advance Health Care Directive, Physician Orders for Life-Sustaining Treatment, and Do-Not-Resuscitate orders.

Top 10 Safety Tips for Seniors

Seniors: Protect yourself from fraud and financial abuse! Be vigilant, be observant. Physical or financial abuse will continue so long as no one knows about it. Listed below are our Top 10 Safety Tips to always keep in mind.

What are Advance Directives?

A living will documents your wishes concerning medical treatments at the end of life.

What is a Limited Conservatorship - California Courts

This resource downloads as a text document. You may need a text reader app to access this document on a mobile phone.

Who Will Manage My Finances?

Info about durable power of attorney for financial matters.

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