Voting and Elections

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18 Resource(s) Found
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Confidential voter registration via Safe At Home

Safe at Home is a confidential address program administered by the California Secretary of State's Office and is most effective when used as a part of an overall safety plan. Safe at Home offers a substitute mailing address to receive first class, certified, and registered mail for victims of domestic violence, sexual assault, stalking, human trafficking, and elder or dependent adult abuse, as well as reproductive health care workers and public entity employees who are in fear for their safety.

Know your voting rights 101

Learn about voting options for the upcoming elections.

The Uniformed and Overseas Citizens Absentee Voting Act

Certain groups of citizens can register and vote absentee in elections for Federal offices.

Voter Hotlines and Election Offices

Voting rights, how to register to vote, vote by mail, voter hotlines, and election offices.

Voting and Homelessness

Can someone who is homeless register and vote?

Voting FAQs

Voter FAQs: vote-by-mail, election day voting, political districts, registering to vote, and additional information.

Voting Rights: Persons with a Prior Felony Conviction

Eligibility requirements for who can register to vote and vote, questions, and how to register to vote.

Voting Rights Restoration

California voting rights restoration for misdemeanor and felony convictions.

County Reentry Services and Voting Information

Reentry legal services for people with criminal records.

Confidential voter registration via Safe At Home

Safe at Home is a confidential address program administered by the California Secretary of State's Office and is most effective when used as a part of an overall safety plan. Safe at Home offers a substitute mailing address to receive first class, certified, and registered mail for victims of domestic violence, sexual assault, stalking, human trafficking, and elder or dependent adult abuse, as well as reproductive health care workers and public entity employees who are in fear for their safety.

County Reentry Services and Voting Information

Reentry legal services for people with criminal records.

Know your voting rights 101

Learn about voting options for the upcoming elections.

The Uniformed and Overseas Citizens Absentee Voting Act

Certain groups of citizens can register and vote absentee in elections for Federal offices.

Voter Hotlines and Election Offices

Voting rights, how to register to vote, vote by mail, voter hotlines, and election offices.

Voting and Homelessness

Can someone who is homeless register and vote?

Voting FAQs

Voter FAQs: vote-by-mail, election day voting, political districts, registering to vote, and additional information.

Voting Rights: Persons with a Prior Felony Conviction

Eligibility requirements for who can register to vote and vote, questions, and how to register to vote.

Voting Rights Restoration

California voting rights restoration for misdemeanor and felony convictions.

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