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Education Manual - CRLA

This manual from CRLA has lots of general information about the rights of students. Seek additional information from an attorney if you believe any of this information may apply to your situation.

Alternative Dispute Resolution

ADR Types and Benefits. The Judicial Council of California has created a video series with descriptions of different kinds of dispute resolution and where each might be helpful.

Civil Harassment Restraining Orders

Civil harassment is abuse, threats of abuse, stalking, sexual assault, or serious harassment by someone you have not dated and do NOT have a close relationship with, like a neighbor, a roommate, or a friend (that you have never dated). It is also civil harassment if the abuse is from a family member (like an uncle or aunt, a niece or nephew, or a cousin).

Education Manual - CRLA

This manual from CRLA has lots of general information about the rights of students. Seek additional information from an attorney if you believe any of this information may apply to your situation.

Education Manual - CRLA

This manual from CRLA has lots of general information about the rights of students. Seek additional information from an attorney if you believe any of this information may apply to your situation.

Education Manual - CRLA

This manual from CRLA has lots of general information about the rights of students. Seek additional information from an attorney if you believe any of this information may apply to your situation.

Education Manual - CRLA

This manual from CRLA has lots of general information about the rights of students. Seek additional information from an attorney if you believe any of this information may apply to your situation.

Alternative Dispute Resolution

ADR Types and Benefits. The Judicial Council of California has created a video series with descriptions of different kinds of dispute resolution and where each might be helpful.

Civil Harassment Restraining Orders

Civil harassment is abuse, threats of abuse, stalking, sexual assault, or serious harassment by someone you have not dated and do NOT have a close relationship with, like a neighbor, a roommate, or a friend (that you have never dated). It is also civil harassment if the abuse is from a family member (like an uncle or aunt, a niece or nephew, or a cousin).

Education Manual - CRLA

This manual from CRLA has lots of general information about the rights of students. Seek additional information from an attorney if you believe any of this information may apply to your situation.

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