PILP Public Benefits Advocate's Guides
Advocate's Guides to the Housing and Disability Advocacy Program, CalWORKs Homeless Assistance, and CalWORKs Housing Support Program (HDAP, HA, and HSP). The guides including program information, practical tips, and client fliers to improve access to and awareness of these programs.
PILP Public Benefits Advocate's Guides
Advocate's Guides to the Housing and Disability Advocacy Program, CalWORKs Homeless Assistance, and CalWORKs Housing Support Program (HDAP, HA, and HSP). The guides including program information, practical tips, and client fliers to improve access to and awareness of these programs.
PILP Public Benefits Advocate's Guides
Advocate's Guides to the Housing and Disability Advocacy Program, CalWORKs Homeless Assistance, and CalWORKs Housing Support Program (HDAP, HA, and HSP). The guides including program information, practical tips, and client fliers to improve access to and awareness of these programs.
Foreclosure Rescue Scams
This resource has some things you can do to avoid being the victim of a foreclosure scam. For a referral to a housing counselor near you, contact HUD at (800) 569-4287 (TTY: (800) 877-8339).
Before you Rent Checklist
Finding a place to rent can be a challenge. You will have a better chance of success if you plan ahead. Here are some important tips to remember before you rent:
Rental Listing DRE Consumer Alert
A statewide Consumer Alert for anyone looking for rental housing, after seeing an increase in identity theft scams.
Alternative Dispute Resolution
ADR Types and Benefits. The Judicial Council of California has created a video series with descriptions of different kinds of dispute resolution and where each might be helpful.
Before you Rent Checklist
Finding a place to rent can be a challenge. You will have a better chance of success if you plan ahead. Here are some important tips to remember before you rent:
PILP Public Benefits Advocate's Guides
Advocate's Guides to the Housing and Disability Advocacy Program, CalWORKs Homeless Assistance, and CalWORKs Housing Support Program (HDAP, HA, and HSP). The guides including program information, practical tips, and client fliers to improve access to and awareness of these programs.
Rental Listing DRE Consumer Alert
A statewide Consumer Alert for anyone looking for rental housing, after seeing an increase in identity theft scams.
Foreclosure Rescue Scams
This resource has some things you can do to avoid being the victim of a foreclosure scam. For a referral to a housing counselor near you, contact HUD at (800) 569-4287 (TTY: (800) 877-8339).
Rental Listing DRE Consumer Alert
A statewide Consumer Alert for anyone looking for rental housing, after seeing an increase in identity theft scams.
Alternative Dispute Resolution
ADR Types and Benefits. The Judicial Council of California has created a video series with descriptions of different kinds of dispute resolution and where each might be helpful.
Before you Rent Checklist
Finding a place to rent can be a challenge. You will have a better chance of success if you plan ahead. Here are some important tips to remember before you rent:
Foreclosure Rescue Scams
This resource has some things you can do to avoid being the victim of a foreclosure scam. For a referral to a housing counselor near you, contact HUD at (800) 569-4287 (TTY: (800) 877-8339).
PILP Public Benefits Advocate's Guides
Advocate's Guides to the Housing and Disability Advocacy Program, CalWORKs Homeless Assistance, and CalWORKs Housing Support Program (HDAP, HA, and HSP). The guides including program information, practical tips, and client fliers to improve access to and awareness of these programs.
Rental Listing DRE Consumer Alert
A statewide Consumer Alert for anyone looking for rental housing, after seeing an increase in identity theft scams.