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Eviction Defense Collaborative

976 Mission St. San Francisco, CA 94103

(415) 659-9184

PILP Public Benefits Advocate's Guides

Advocate's Guides to the Housing and Disability Advocacy Program, CalWORKs Homeless Assistance, and CalWORKs Housing Support Program (HDAP, HA, and HSP). The guides including program information, practical tips, and client fliers to improve access to and awareness of these programs.

Tenant Rights for Undocumented Californians

This resource provides know-your-rights (KYR) information for undocumented individuals regarding housing rights. It outlines protections against discrimination and eviction, as well as steps to take if one's rights are violated. It may also cover resources and support for those navigating housing issues.

PILP Public Benefits Advocate's Guides

Advocate's Guides to the Housing and Disability Advocacy Program, CalWORKs Homeless Assistance, and CalWORKs Housing Support Program (HDAP, HA, and HSP). The guides including program information, practical tips, and client fliers to improve access to and awareness of these programs.

PILP Public Benefits Advocate's Guides

Advocate's Guides to the Housing and Disability Advocacy Program, CalWORKs Homeless Assistance, and CalWORKs Housing Support Program (HDAP, HA, and HSP). The guides including program information, practical tips, and client fliers to improve access to and awareness of these programs.

San Francisco Tenants Union

This organization provides counseling services to tenants in San Francisco. Their page contains general information about San Francisco Tenants Rights including: Rent Control Evictions Airbnb and Short-Term Rentals Buyouts Condo and TIC Conversions Habitability and Repairs Harassment by Landlord Roommates Sale of Buildings Security Deposits Squatting (Homes Not Jails)

Eviction - The Legal Process

This resource provides general instructions regarding the eviction process inside or outside the court.

If You Are a Tenant and Your Landlord Wants to Evict You

This resource will help you understand your responsibilities as the tenant in case your landlord has started the eviction process.

Eviction - The Legal Process

This resource provides general instructions regarding the eviction process inside or outside the court.

If You Are a Tenant and Your Landlord Wants to Evict You

This resource will help you understand your responsibilities as the tenant in case your landlord has started the eviction process.

Rent Control in Santa Monica

The law limits excessive rent, reasons for evictions, and rent increases.

Alternative Dispute Resolution

ADR Types and Benefits. The Judicial Council of California has created a video series with descriptions of different kinds of dispute resolution and where each might be helpful.

Eviction Cases Video in English, Spanish, Chinese , Korean, Vietnamese, and Russian

This video clip provides information regarding the options available to resolve disputes between landlords and tenants. The video clip consists of five chapters organized in an automatic playlist.

Eviction Response Tool

This webpage walks you through preparing an Answer in your eviction case. To file, go to your court as soon as possible. This website is a free public tool that will help you fill out the Answer paperwork. It will also submit your Answer to the court if you are low-income and qualify for a court “fee waiver.” Seek the advice of an attorney as soon as possible!

Eviction - The Legal Process

This resource provides general instructions regarding the eviction process inside or outside the court.

Information for Fee Waiver

Ask for a Fee Waiver if you can't afford filing fees

A Guide To Residential Tenants' and Landlords' Rights and Responsibilities

A general guide to the rights and responsibilities of tenants and landlords, including repairs, leases, evictions and much more

Eviction FAQs

Check out California Court's FAQ's on Eviction.

Know Your Rights as a California Tenant: Evictions

As a tenant, knowing your rights is critical. You may be protected from certain types of evictions, and you may be able to prevent an eviction by fixing the issue identified in an eviction notice. Act quickly—do not ignore notices or court papers, and seek legal help as soon as possible. Evictions can move fast, and you could lose a court case automatically if you take too long to act. Seek advice from an attorney to find out how these rights apply in your situation!

Know Your Rights! California’s New Housing Law: Tenant Protection Act (AB 1482)

This resource contains information about tenants' rights, rent increases, and just cause for evictions. Note that some rent increases are allowed under the Tenant Protection Act.

Know Your Rights: Eviction

This resource explains your rights if you are getting evicted or up for eviction.

PILP Public Benefits Advocate's Guides

Advocate's Guides to the Housing and Disability Advocacy Program, CalWORKs Homeless Assistance, and CalWORKs Housing Support Program (HDAP, HA, and HSP). The guides including program information, practical tips, and client fliers to improve access to and awareness of these programs.

Rent Control in Santa Monica

The law limits excessive rent, reasons for evictions, and rent increases.

San Francisco Tenants Union

This organization provides counseling services to tenants in San Francisco. Their page contains general information about San Francisco Tenants Rights including: Rent Control Evictions Airbnb and Short-Term Rentals Buyouts Condo and TIC Conversions Habitability and Repairs Harassment by Landlord Roommates Sale of Buildings Security Deposits Squatting (Homes Not Jails)

Tenants' Rights Flyers

This document has a few handouts on different legal rights, including security deposits, the Tenant Protection Act, tenants' rights, what to check for when renting, eviction process, lease agreements, and city of Santa Ana renter protection. Scroll down to find what you're looking for.

The Eviction Process - Stay Housed LA

This page has information on how evictions work generally in California. It also has information on laws specific to cities in LA county.

What to do After Losing an Eviction Case

If a judgment was entered against you (i.e., you lost your case), preparing to be removed from the housing is crucial. This document offers guidance and resources to help you prepare for a lockout. Usually, a landlord needs to go to court to remove a renter from housing. If you have been locked out of your housing without being served court documents, this is not the right resource. Look for a legal aid organization near you by clicking "Find Legal Help" at the top of the screen.

Eviction Response Tool

This webpage walks you through preparing an Answer in your eviction case. To file, go to your court as soon as possible. This website is a free public tool that will help you fill out the Answer paperwork. It will also submit your Answer to the court if you are low-income and qualify for a court “fee waiver.” Seek the advice of an attorney as soon as possible!

The Eviction Process - Stay Housed LA

This page has information on how evictions work generally in California. It also has information on laws specific to cities in LA county.

Alternative Dispute Resolution

ADR Types and Benefits. The Judicial Council of California has created a video series with descriptions of different kinds of dispute resolution and where each might be helpful.

Eviction Cases Video in English, Spanish, Chinese , Korean, Vietnamese, and Russian

This video clip provides information regarding the options available to resolve disputes between landlords and tenants. The video clip consists of five chapters organized in an automatic playlist.

Eviction FAQs

Check out California Court's FAQ's on Eviction.

Eviction Response Tool

This webpage walks you through preparing an Answer in your eviction case. To file, go to your court as soon as possible. This website is a free public tool that will help you fill out the Answer paperwork. It will also submit your Answer to the court if you are low-income and qualify for a court “fee waiver.” Seek the advice of an attorney as soon as possible!

Eviction - The Legal Process

This resource provides general instructions regarding the eviction process inside or outside the court.

If You Are a Tenant and Your Landlord Wants to Evict You

This resource will help you understand your responsibilities as the tenant in case your landlord has started the eviction process.

Information for Fee Waiver

Ask for a Fee Waiver if you can't afford filing fees

Know Your Rights as a California Tenant: Evictions

As a tenant, knowing your rights is critical. You may be protected from certain types of evictions, and you may be able to prevent an eviction by fixing the issue identified in an eviction notice. Act quickly—do not ignore notices or court papers, and seek legal help as soon as possible. Evictions can move fast, and you could lose a court case automatically if you take too long to act. Seek advice from an attorney to find out how these rights apply in your situation!

Know Your Rights! California’s New Housing Law: Tenant Protection Act (AB 1482)

This resource contains information about tenants' rights, rent increases, and just cause for evictions. Note that some rent increases are allowed under the Tenant Protection Act.

Know Your Rights: Eviction

This resource explains your rights if you are getting evicted or up for eviction.

PILP Public Benefits Advocate's Guides

Advocate's Guides to the Housing and Disability Advocacy Program, CalWORKs Homeless Assistance, and CalWORKs Housing Support Program (HDAP, HA, and HSP). The guides including program information, practical tips, and client fliers to improve access to and awareness of these programs.

Rent Control in Santa Monica

The law limits excessive rent, reasons for evictions, and rent increases.

San Francisco Tenants Union

This organization provides counseling services to tenants in San Francisco. Their page contains general information about San Francisco Tenants Rights including: Rent Control Evictions Airbnb and Short-Term Rentals Buyouts Condo and TIC Conversions Habitability and Repairs Harassment by Landlord Roommates Sale of Buildings Security Deposits Squatting (Homes Not Jails)

Tenants' Rights Flyers

This document has a few handouts on different legal rights, including security deposits, the Tenant Protection Act, tenants' rights, what to check for when renting, eviction process, lease agreements, and city of Santa Ana renter protection. Scroll down to find what you're looking for.

The Eviction Process - Stay Housed LA

This page has information on how evictions work generally in California. It also has information on laws specific to cities in LA county.

What to do After Losing an Eviction Case

If a judgment was entered against you (i.e., you lost your case), preparing to be removed from the housing is crucial. This document offers guidance and resources to help you prepare for a lockout. Usually, a landlord needs to go to court to remove a renter from housing. If you have been locked out of your housing without being served court documents, this is not the right resource. Look for a legal aid organization near you by clicking "Find Legal Help" at the top of the screen.

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