Loans and Mortgages
Financial Protection Assistance
Offers information on various financial topics, empowering consumers with knowledge on banking, loans, credit, fraud prevention, and more.
Financial Protection Assistance
Offers information on various financial topics, empowering consumers with knowledge on banking, loans, credit, fraud prevention, and more.
Financial Protection Assistance
Offers information on various financial topics, empowering consumers with knowledge on banking, loans, credit, fraud prevention, and more.
Reverse Mortgages
Info about how reverse mortgages work, types of reverse mortgages available, and how to get the best deal on a reverse mortgage.
5 Tips for Dealing with a Home Equity Line Freeze or Reduction
A step-by-step guide on what to do when your lender changes your home equity line of credit.
Financial Protection Assistance
Offers information on various financial topics, empowering consumers with knowledge on banking, loans, credit, fraud prevention, and more.
Using the Services of a Mortgage Broker
The purpose of this booklet is to provide basic information about using the services of a mortgage broker, which may assist you in making an informed decision when seeking a home loan
California's Lemon Law
"Lemons": Cars with serious problems after you bought it. This fact sheet about California’s protections for new and used car buyers explains how the state Lemon Law works, which vehicles are covered, the arbitration programs used by most car dealers and how consumers can pursue a claim in California.
California's Lemon Law
"Lemons": Cars with serious problems after you bought it. This fact sheet about California’s protections for new and used car buyers explains how the state Lemon Law works, which vehicles are covered, the arbitration programs used by most car dealers and how consumers can pursue a claim in California.
Understanding Vehicle Financing
Some federal and state laws affect the vehicle financing and leasing process. They offer important information that can help you negotiate a better deal, better understand the process, and give you certain rights.
Understanding Vehicle Financing
Some federal and state laws affect the vehicle financing and leasing process. They offer important information that can help you negotiate a better deal, better understand the process, and give you certain rights.
Vehicle Repossession
If you don’t make your car payments on time, your lender might have the right to take your car without going to court or telling you first. Here’s what to do if you can’t make car payments or if your car is repossessed. This article has more information about the federal laws regulating repossessions, but there may be California laws that apply too.
Rental Listing DRE Consumer Alert
A statewide Consumer Alert for anyone looking for rental housing, after seeing an increase in identity theft scams.
Alternative Dispute Resolution
ADR Types and Benefits. The Judicial Council of California has created a video series with descriptions of different kinds of dispute resolution and where each might be helpful.
California's Lemon Law
"Lemons": Cars with serious problems after you bought it. This fact sheet about California’s protections for new and used car buyers explains how the state Lemon Law works, which vehicles are covered, the arbitration programs used by most car dealers and how consumers can pursue a claim in California.
Financial Protection Assistance
Offers information on various financial topics, empowering consumers with knowledge on banking, loans, credit, fraud prevention, and more.
Rental Listing DRE Consumer Alert
A statewide Consumer Alert for anyone looking for rental housing, after seeing an increase in identity theft scams.
Understanding Vehicle Financing
Some federal and state laws affect the vehicle financing and leasing process. They offer important information that can help you negotiate a better deal, better understand the process, and give you certain rights.
Using the Services of a Mortgage Broker
The purpose of this booklet is to provide basic information about using the services of a mortgage broker, which may assist you in making an informed decision when seeking a home loan
How to Complain
This guide offers suggestions to help you get results when you have a problem with the purchase of goods or services. It explains the proper way to make a complaint, and also discusses using government agencies, consumer groups, lawyers and small claims court. A sample complaint letter and a list of compliant-handling agencies are included.
Rental Listing DRE Consumer Alert
A statewide Consumer Alert for anyone looking for rental housing, after seeing an increase in identity theft scams.
Using the Services of a Mortgage Broker
The purpose of this booklet is to provide basic information about using the services of a mortgage broker, which may assist you in making an informed decision when seeking a home loan
Alternative Dispute Resolution
ADR Types and Benefits. The Judicial Council of California has created a video series with descriptions of different kinds of dispute resolution and where each might be helpful.
California's Lemon Law
"Lemons": Cars with serious problems after you bought it. This fact sheet about California’s protections for new and used car buyers explains how the state Lemon Law works, which vehicles are covered, the arbitration programs used by most car dealers and how consumers can pursue a claim in California.
Financial Protection Assistance
Offers information on various financial topics, empowering consumers with knowledge on banking, loans, credit, fraud prevention, and more.
How to Complain
This guide offers suggestions to help you get results when you have a problem with the purchase of goods or services. It explains the proper way to make a complaint, and also discusses using government agencies, consumer groups, lawyers and small claims court. A sample complaint letter and a list of compliant-handling agencies are included.
Rental Listing DRE Consumer Alert
A statewide Consumer Alert for anyone looking for rental housing, after seeing an increase in identity theft scams.
Reverse Mortgages
Info about how reverse mortgages work, types of reverse mortgages available, and how to get the best deal on a reverse mortgage.
5 Tips for Dealing with a Home Equity Line Freeze or Reduction
A step-by-step guide on what to do when your lender changes your home equity line of credit.
Understanding Vehicle Financing
Some federal and state laws affect the vehicle financing and leasing process. They offer important information that can help you negotiate a better deal, better understand the process, and give you certain rights.
Using the Services of a Mortgage Broker
The purpose of this booklet is to provide basic information about using the services of a mortgage broker, which may assist you in making an informed decision when seeking a home loan
Vehicle Repossession
If you don’t make your car payments on time, your lender might have the right to take your car without going to court or telling you first. Here’s what to do if you can’t make car payments or if your car is repossessed. This article has more information about the federal laws regulating repossessions, but there may be California laws that apply too.