Centro de Ayuda Legal para Inmigrantes (CALI)

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Información General Contacto


(650) 938 - 4041
1125 Benton St
Santa Clara, CA 95050


Quienes Somos

Centro de Ayuda Legal para Inmigrantes (CALI) is a nonprofit dedicated to providing immigration legal services to the low-income community.
Too often, and for too many people, the legal system can be a strange and menacing world. This is especially true for many immigrants.

The Centro de Ayuda Legal para Inmigrantes (CALI) is a non-profit legal organization that strives to help immigrants navigate this country's legal system.

CALI's mission is to provide quality legal representation in immigration matters for the low-income immigrant community.
Immigration Services



Victims of Trafficking and Violence Protection Act (U Visas)U visas are available to immigrants who are victims of a specified crime (including domestic violence and sexual assault), who were helpful in the investigation and who suffered substantial physical or emotional abuse.


Violence Against Women Act (VAWA)Through the Violence Against Women Act, CALI will work with victims of domestic violence, who are married to or recently divorced from U.S. citizens and legal residents, to independently petition for their immigration status.


Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA)President Obama's Administration recently announced that young immigrants who entered the United States before the age of 16 may be eligible for Deferred Action and work authorization. Deferred Action is temporary relief from deportation or removal action. This policy is not a permanent fix and does not grant permanent legal status to anyone.


Family Based Visa PetitionsU.S. citizens and legal residents may petition for their relatives abroad.  Depending on the familial relationship, CALI may assist clients in obtaining an immigration visa so that they may reunite with family member in the United States.


Adjustment of Status, SIJS, TPS, FOIA Requests, State or Federal criminal background checks, Consular Processing, I-601A Waiver, Naturalization, Work Permit and Legal Resident Card Renewals. 

A Quién Servimos

  • Alameda Condado
  • Contra Costa Condado
  • Marin Condado
  • Merced Condado
  • Monterey Condado
  • Napa Condado
  • Sacramento Condado
  • San Francisco Condado
  • San Mateo Condado
  • Santa Clara Condado
  • Santa Cruz Condado
  • Solano Condado
  • Yolo Condado
Idioma(s) hablado
  • Spanish / Español
  • Tagalog / Pilipino
Pautas de Ingresos

Nominal fee is charged.

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¿Esta organización proporciona acceso para personas con discapacidad auditiva? No

Tipo de ayuda

Este grupo proporciona los siguientes tipos de servicios basados en sus necesidades legales y sus recursos:
Última revisión y actualización: Mar 12, 2024
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