Catholic Charities of Santa Rosa - Immigration Program

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Información General Contacto

987 Airway Ct
Santa Rosa, CA 95403

Quienes Somos

Catholic Charities of Santa Rosa provides a wide range of immigration services to eligible persons in the California North Coast counties.
Get classes, advice, and honest legal representation to earn citizenship, defend yourself against abuses of power, and ensure you and your family can thrive in the United States.

We provide legal services on a sliding scale for a wide range of situations, including:

  • Naturalization Advisement ‚Äî we'll help you understand your options and offer clear recommendations for your best pathway to citizenship.
  • DACA ‚Äî Providing ‚ÄúDreamers‚Äù under the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program the support needed to remain qualified for this vital program.
  • U Visa ‚Äî helping victims of domestic or violent crimes navigate the immigration system and attain U Visa nonimmigrant status.
  • Deportation defense ‚Äî providing fast and effective legal support to keep your family together as you seek a resolution to your immigration status.


A Quién Servimos

  • Del Norte Condado
  • Humboldt Condado
  • Lake Condado
  • Mendocino Condado
  • Napa Condado
  • Sonoma Condado
Idioma(s) hablado
  • Cantonese Chinese / 粵語
  • Mandarin Chinese / 简体中文
  • Spanish / Español
Pautas de Ingresos

Nominal fee is charged.

¿Es esta organización accesible en silla de ruedas? No
¿Esta organización proporciona acceso para personas con discapacidad auditiva? No

Tipo de ayuda

Este grupo proporciona los siguientes tipos de servicios basados en sus necesidades legales y sus recursos:
Última revisión y actualización: Feb 21, 2024
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